The Consular Services Charter outlines the consular services and assistance provided by the Australian Government to travellers overseas. Read the Charter to understand how we can and can't help.
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Browse destinationsProviding international travel advice for Australians overseas
Travel Advice for Egypt
We've reviewed our advice for Egypt and have lowered the overall travel advice level. We now advise exercise a high degree of caution due to the threat of terrorism. We continue to advise Do not Travel or Reconsider Your Need to Travel to several areas due to threats including higher risks of terrorism or serious crime - read our advice carefully.
Notarial services
Do you need a document legalised, or a Certificate of No Impediment for your upcoming marriage? The Australian Government can provide some notarial services.
Travel insurance
If you're going overseas, travel insurance is as important as a passport. If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. Read our advice, and download the CHOICE travel insurance guide before you go.
News and updates
Celebrating over 20 years of helping Australians stay safe with travel advice.
- Editorial
Several strains of highly pathogenic Avian Influenza are circulating globally. Be aware of increased health risks when travelling to impacted countries.
- Americas
- Asia
- Europe
- Health
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the current Mpox outbreak in parts of Africa as a global public health emergency. Mpox cases have also been reported across the world. If you’re planning to travel overseas, read more about Mpox to protect your health.
- Africa
- Europe
- Health
The latest research from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Smartraveller and Insurance Council of Australia shows Australians’ common misunderstandings when it comes to travel insurance.
- Insurance
We've reviewed our advice for Bangladesh and have lowered the overall travel advice level. We now advise reconsider your need to travel due to ongoing civil unrest, demonstrations and terrorism. The situation remains volatile, with an…
Travel advice explained
Learn what our advice levels mean and how we decide what level to apply to each destination.
Passport services
With passport demand on the rise, don't leave your application to the last minute.
Allow a minimum of six weeks to get a new passport or renew one.
Coming back to Australia
Know what to do and what expect when you're heading home from your trip overseas.
Before you go...
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